How to Remove and Clean Different Types of Stains from Your Leather Bag

Leather bags are a great investment, and you want them to look beautiful for years. Sometimes a little stain gets on your beloved leather bag. It could be a drop of coffee or a stain from make-up – anything could happen! It's a shame if you don't clean up those little stains properly! Don't worry! In this blog post, we'll show you how to clean a stain on your leather bag in no time!

  • What Kind of Stain ?

Before you start cleaning, find out what kind of stain it is. Is it a water stain, ink stain or grease stain?

Water Stain on Your Bag

Water stains on your leather bag are easy to take care of. The key is to act fast! Pat your handbag dry with a clean cloth as soon as possible and let it air dry. Avoid rubbing the stain as this can damage the leather. Then, wipe the bag clean with a soft cloth.

Coffee, Tea or Wine Spots

For stains like coffee, tea or wine, start by gently dabbing the stain with a clean cloth to absorb as much liquid as possible. Just remember, do not rub ! This can spread the stain further into the leather. Instead, make a solution of mild soap and water and gently dab the stain with a soft cloth. And remember, harsh chemicals and detergents are a big no-no as they can damage the leather.

Tougher Stains

If there are stubborn stains on your bag that you can’t rub off with a cloth, we have the solution for you! Try a special leather cleaner such as Collonil Clean and Care. Collonil's cleaning foam is a miracle cure for all types of leather.

How to Use Collonil Clean and Care Cleaner

What You will Need :

  • Two soft, clean cloths
  • Leather cleaner. Our recommendation is to use Collonil Clean and Care, suitable for smooth leather, nubuck, suede.
  • Warm water

Spray the foam on a dry,  clean cloth and gently rub it evenly over the stain in circular movements. Leave this on for a few minutes. Take another clean cloth with which you can wipe the remaining foam and dirt from the bag. After about 10 minutes of drying, your bag will be refreshed! Repeat if necessary. It is important to treat the bag completely with this product to avoid colour differences. Always be careful with ink pens, because ink can cause a permanent stain.

  • Test a Small Area

Always test it on a less visible spot, such as the bottom of your bag. Wait for the test stain to dry before continuing to clean it.

  •   Let the Bag to Dry

Once you have successfully removed the stain from your leather bag, let it air dry completely before using it again.

You can buy Collonil's products in various shoe shops and online at

If you are not sure how to remove a stain, don’t worry ! Our friendly team will be happy to help you. Send us a message at or give us a call.

If you follow these steps, your leather bag will stay a stylish and long-lasting accessory for years to come. Check out our great collection of high-quality leather bags !



Thank you for reading this blog post and we hope these cleaning tips will help you keep your leather bag looking as good as new!


Made of durable leather,
suitable for all occasions.